Monday, October 20, 2008

Groove Armada

I felt that Groove Armada Is worth Being talked about
They are what would be called Underground Artist.
(Underground Artist-In my definition, are not known,or their music is played but people may not know who they are, or they aren't well known by everyone.)
but there are the few out there who would know exactly who they are.
I love their Music Its very fun, and danceble because thats what i like todo.They sound different and are original.

Groove Armada originated from London,France.
The Group is a Collaboration of two members by the names of
Groove Armada Pictures, Images and Photos
Andy Cato and Tom Findlay
Their type of music is (Big Beat) but the general sound would be a mix of Raggae/techno/disco
Their music has been active scince 1996 and they are still going up till now.
There are a few tunes of theirs that we would actually recognize.
I see you baby

Groove Armada-I See You Baby [Fatboy Slim Remix] - Groove Amada Feat. Gramma Funk

Most recent albums this past summer March 2008 (late nite tales)
2007 they relesed (Sound boy Rock)
SOme songs from these albums are featured in the playlist below
Groove Armada

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Beyonce or Ciara?

I love this new song by Beyonce Its Going to be on her New "double Disk" album. Im super exicited and can't wait till it come out!
But... There is one song on this album I admire alot!Its called "If i were a boy" But it reminds me soo much of Ciara's song "Like A Boy".Both of these females rocked in those songs. The question is who did it better, at least thats what i was thinking when i thought about it.
Besides looks..(to all the boys) Who got the message out better?
If I Were A Boy - Beyonce
Like A Boy - Ciara

Theres really no answer actually..
This only applies to the personality of that "girl" or maybe "boy"
The way they deside to handle things in situations like that.
Many songs are out there that are talking about the same thing, by different artist
scince no artist personalities are alike, there really can't be a question of who did that song better, its all depending on the type of personality that the person has.(do you see what i am saying?)

In this case I would say beyonce because simply thats just me and how i would think during a situation like that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Essence of A day

I was At work today, I was in my bosses office. It was filled with all the inspirational type quotes that you would see in many other office building. there was one that caught my eye because the sceanary in it was soo pretty to me. I began to read it. It was called "The Essence Of A Day".

It Said:
"This is the beggining Of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can Waste it or use it for Good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.When tomorrow, comes this day will be gone FOREVER: In its place is something that you have left behind...Let it be something Good."

What does this have to do with Music?
There Is a band called Incubus And i enjoy this group a lot.I'm a big old Unrealistic person. SO, what i did as i read this quote is start daydreaming and i can here on of there songs play in the back of my head. Its just like my favorite theme song from a Television show like the "Facts of Life" or something. This song should be My theme song.♥

Drive - Incubus

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I bet you think the song is about you, Dont you?

You probably think this song is about you ...
By Roger Dobson,
July 10 2003

You are your record collection, according to new research that reveals how personality is reflected through music.

If you really want to get to know someone, try rummaging through their CD collection. An study has proved that when it comes to judging a person's character, their favourite music is one of the most valuable clues.

Almost anything about a man or a woman - from their looks, intelligence and fitness, to politics, wealth and even conversational ability - can be gleaned from the tunes they enjoy most.

People who favour Madonna's Material Girl, for example, are likely to be cheerful, outgoing and reliable. They will probably consider themselves physically attractive as well. If on the other hand, someone prefers the Rolling Stones' Brown Sugar, they are likely to possess more of an inquiring mind, enjoy taking risks, and consider themselves to be pretty intelligent.

In the study, psychologists from the University of Texas questioned 3500 people about their individual musical preferences and then matched them with their personality traits.

The American researchers, who reported their findings in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, say the link between music choice and personality has remained, until now, an unexplored area of psychology.

"At this very moment, in homes, offices, cars, restaurants and clubs around the world, people are listening to music, but despite its prevalence in everyday life, the sound of music has remained mute within social and personality psychology," the report says.

The researchers, who also found that people listened to music more often than almost any other activity, including reading, watching TV and viewing films, put the volunteers through personality tests designed to tease out as much about them as possible.

They then asked the men and women about the music they liked the most. A total of 140 pieces of music were used, divided into 14 different genres, with 10 songs in each.

John McKie, former editor of music magazines Q and Smash Hits, said: "I know guys that have split up with girls just because they found a dodgy record in their collection.

"I don't think anyone who's really passionate about music just 'listens' to it. This research is positive confirmation of the fact that songs are emblematic of people's characters.

"I've always believed that people's musical taste says a lot about them. If you like Avril Lavigne, for example, you probably need to have your ears syringed."

Just why musical likes and dislikes are so closely linked to personality is not clear. One theory is that it is because individuals select music to reinforce their views of themselves.

"Individuals may, for example, listen to esoteric music to reinforce a self-view of being sophisticated. Individuals might also select styles of music that allow them to send a message about how they like to be seen. Individuals who listen to heavy metal music at a loud volume with their car window down, for example, may be trying to convey a tough image." the report says. "If musical preferences are partially determined by personality, self-views and cognitive abilities, then knowing what kind of music a person likes could serve as a clue to his personality and views of himself."

Researchers also found that while people had favourites, they also, flirted with other music: "One possibility is that people choose a tempo of music that is consistent with the heart rate that characterises their current or desired mood," says the report.

Bob Dylan

Blowin' in the Wind: Inventive, solid, open to new experiences, consider themselves to be intelligent, good conversationalists, but not too clever at maths or analytical stuff. Politically liberal, but not very sporty. Unlikely to be depressed.


Ode to Joy: Active imagination, values aesthetic experiences, inventive, tolerant of others, consider themselves to be intelligent, and reject conservative ideals. Least likely to say something without thinking first.

Rolling Stones

Brown Sugar: Agreeable, open to new experiences, athletic, intelligent, with good verbal skills, and tend to be dominant in interpersonal relationships.


It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine): Not neurotic, curious about different things. Enjoy taking risks, physically active and intelligent. May be prone to depression.

Jennifer Lopez

I'm Real: Conventional, upbeat, cheerful, socially outgoing, reliable, enjoy helping others, and see themselves as physically attractive.

Barry White

Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe: A tendency to be talkative and full of energy. They are also forgiving, and have a strong dislike of conservatism.

Harold Melvin and The Bluenotes

If You Don't Know Me By Now: Extrovert, agreeable, also flirtatious with a tendency to express their feelings straight away. Liberal and athletic, and on the whole think of themselves as pretty attractive.

- The Independent

This story was found at:

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Is there anyone out there who loves to get down and dance. I'm a crazy type of girl and i love the new wave these guys got the flavor that you will like. Electro music is slowly growing popular and i caught on to it fast let me get you into something new to listen to.

Justice - †

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Music Guru-(Bringing Back the 70's)

A does any like the 70's music like me!
Well theres a new group out called
MGMT they brang those good ol' 70's type
music back it sounds good to me you should try listening to something
new and different they are soo original i love them.
To here the full length song click the link below the player
MGMT ~ Oracle Spectacular