Monday, November 03, 2008

Coldplay On a Monday....

Ushually a Monday is not everyones favorite day of the week
especially not mines...
We all have to get back to reality
Because the weekend might have been to much
Sleeping, partying, goin' out, you know having fun..
Then sunday comes... ahhh man..tomorrow is monday.
Mondays is my "chillax" day.
Ushally i spend my time admiring my surroundings
rather than wanting to be focused on anything
I don't feel like playing and im always just kind of not on earth
My mind wonders alot
Im always thinking about something and my curiosity gets the better of
me sometimes and its just one of those days when all i want to listen to at that
moment is Coldplay..
I love coldplay they are a great band.
They are from London and they're kind of like
the british invasion all over again
i liked that genration actually most
of my favorite artist are from
that time.
Well anyway their Most recent song below I really love it
i hope you do too.
Viva La Vida - Coldplay

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